Week 14: Global Climate Change

1. What did you do in lab today?

      This week in lab we talked about the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and how it is rising. We also played with a simulator that shows the Greenhouse Effect. Another thing we talked about is the atmospheric CO2 and its ppm, where we discussed how it has increased by 10 ppm in about a year and a half. 

2. What was the big question?

    How do greenhouse gas levels impact temperature? What will happen if we continue to increase CO2?

3. What did you learn in Thursday's discussion?

    In discussion we again talked about carbon dioxide and how it is impacting our planet. We also learned more about the albedo effect. This is when light is either absorbed into something or reflected off of it. We connected this to the melting of glaciers, and also how different color roofs can impact the amount of electricity used in a building.           

Textbook Chapter 21?

1. What did you learn?

      Something that I learned is that melting glaciers affect the ecosystem of an area because some animals and plants will not be able to survive a changing landscape. 

2. What was most helpful?

     The most helpful thing was the section on sea level rise and how it explained that only ice melt from Antarctica and other land masses contribute to sea level rise. 

3. What do you need more information on?

        Something that I need more information on is was exactly climate change increases the possibility for extreme weather events?

1. What questions, concerns, and/or comments do you have?

    I don't have any!


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