Week 11 Blog

 1. What did you learn this week?

    This week we started our chemistry unit and did lots of demonstrations! We focused on observation, explanation, and questions on each activity. For observations, these can either be very specific, or very vague and can be done on pretty much anything. When explaining, you just describe what you observed and even why those things may have occured during an experiment. Last for questions, these can always be asked anytime throughout experiments and especially at the end. 

2. Are you able to relate what you learned to what you already knew?

    Yes, I am able to relate what I learned to what I already knew because I have done the m&m's experiment before, but with milk instead! I also have a pretty good understanding of chemical reactions because I worked in a lab for the past 3 summers, so I handled a lot of things like that. 

4. How can you apply what you have learned to your teaching in the future?
    I can apply what I have learned to my teaching in the future by possibly including some of the demonstrations in my lessons like we did in class today. One of the activities included having different kinds of Cokes and seeing which ones float and which ones sink. I think this would be a great demonstration when talking about gravity and why things sink or float. I also would use the observation, explanation, and question components during these demonstrations. 


  1. Your picture of the M&M's is so cool. The one looks like a rainbow and I think kids will enjoy that activity!

  2. Hi Anna! The fast labs that we did today, I also think would be good to show our students even though they are very simple. In my opinion I think it helps our students stay engaged because of the pace.

  3. Hi Anna! I also want to use some of the demonstrations we used in class in my future classroom! I think they are a great way to get students engaged and to have fun while practicing making observations, explanations, and questions. Great post!

  4. Hey Anna! I first want to point out how pretty the M&M colors are they look so neat! I really like how you connected the idea of gravity to the Coke project, I agree with you I think this would be a great activity to teach gravity!

  5. Hey Anna! I find it very interesting that you worked in a lab for three summers. That definitely would help understand the chemical reactions! Good work!


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