Week 12: Climate & Weather

 1. What did you do in lab today?

     In lab today we calculated the increase or decrease of precipitation in different regions of Iowa. My group had the Ames area, and we calculated that there has been a 22% increase of precipitation in that area according to the 3 cities that we chose. We used this information to relate it to the affect it has on goldfinches which is a realistic investigation that we could do with our students when studying climate change and precipitation.

2. What was the big question?

    What do you think about climate change? What is going to happen to the goldfinch?

3. What did you learn in Thursday's discussion?


Textbook Chapter 21?

1. What did you learn?

      One thing that I learned is the difference between climate and weather. Climate is usual weather activity for an area and time of year, and weather is the short term conditions in the atmosphere which can change day to day. 

2. What was most helpful?

     The most helpful thing was the section on climate change in Iowa. This was helpful because seeing how climate change directly affects where we live really puts things into perspective of how detrimental it is. 

3. What do you need more information on?

       I need more information on what we could do realistically to help to prevent climate change in our area. I think this would be good to know if people are specifically teaching in this area in the fututre.

1. What questions, concerns, and/or comments do you have?

    I don't have any!


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