Week 11: Earth's Structure at the Surface and Underground

1. What did you do in lab today?

    Today in lab we talked about the timing of different layers of the Earth and different rocks. We used microscopes and examined different types of sand to determine where they were from and what conditions caused them.  

2. What was the big question?

    Laws of rocks.

3. What did you learn in Thursday's discussion?

       In Thursday's discussion we learned about displacement, and how to find volume by using it. If we wanted to figure out the volume of 2 items that weigh the same amount, you can put each of them into a full container of water and see how much the water displaces. We also learned about the specific gravity equation and completed it for one of the geodes. 

Textbook Chapter 16

1. What did you learn?

     I learned that there are 2 kinds of plates, convergent and divergent. Convergent plates is when continental plates collide together and push upwards to form a mountain, for oceanic plates, one plate is subducted under the other, or when an oceanic plate goes under a continental plate. Divergent plates is when plates separate from each other. 

2. What was most helpful?

     The thing that was the most helpful was the section on the ring of fire because I learned that this is where most of Earth's earthquakes and volcanoes occur. 

3. What do you need more information on?

      I need more information on the law of superposition, but more specifically how the Law of Original Horizontality goes along with it.  

1. What questions, concerns, and/or comments do you have?

    I don't have any!


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