Week 9: History of Earth

 1. What did you do in lab today?

    Today in lab we talked about the timeline of the Earth and the history behind it. We made a timeline and chose different Earth events to put on it in the correct places. We also talked about where humans fall on the timeline. 

2. What was the big question?

    The big question was, what is geological time? And how does it work? 

3. What did you learn in Thursday's discussion?

      Space exam!

Textbook Chapter 15

1. What did you learn?

     I learned that Earth was formed 4.65 billion years ago. I also learned that at least 3 times in Earth's history, it was engulfed in ice, which is called Snowball Earth, and we get evidence of this from sedimentary rocks. 

2. What was most helpful?

     What was the most helpful was the section on Pangea. This section helped clarify that Pangea happened about 200 million years ago, and that scientists believe that another Pangea Proxima could form 250 million years in the future. 

3. What do you need more information on?

      I need more information on Continental Drift and how the fossil evidence works with that.

1. What questions, concerns, and/or comments do you have?

    I don't have any!


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