Week 4 Blog

  1. What did you learn this week?
    This week we learned about the 5E Model, we checked on our fast plants, and we talked about lesson plans and reviewed and rated one that was previously made. For the 5E Model we learned about the five steps which are engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. In class we all made brief presentations about each step and how the apply to teachers and students. I think that this model is a great way to have structure to your lessons and to make sure there is an actual reason for you to be teaching it so that your students can get the most out of learning that subject. I will link my group's presentation here.

4. How can you apply what you've learned to your teaching in the future?
    I can apply what I have learned to my teaching in the future by using a 5E Model for lessons in my classroom. Like I said previously I really do think this is a great way to organize lessons. When I was in school, mostly middle and high school, a lot of the time I felt like there was no point to some lessons and I was getting nothing out of them, but by using the 5E Model, as the teacher I can make sure that that will not be the case for my students. 

5. What are new or remaining questions?
    A new question that I have is, what would be the best way to make sure you lesson is following the 5E Model if that is what you choose? I am sure there are many ways to do this like asking another teacher or staff to rate your lesson like we did in lab, but I would not want to put that on them since they already have all of their lessons to take care of. How could we as teachers stay accountable in making sure our lessons have meaning for the students?


  1. Hey Anna! I also think it is important to get others ideas and thoughts on our lessons to make sure our lessons have meaning for the students. I am curious as well how to accomplish that in our future teaching communities.

  2. Hey Anna! I really liked that you added a link to the group presentation. I didn't even think about that so I enjoyed seeing that in your blog! I also think the 5E model will provide our lessons with good structure.

  3. Hi Anna, I really enjoyed how you put the presentation from lab in this weeks blog post!! Great job on this weeks post!


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