Science 2: Week 1


  1. The big question addressed in lab, and a description of what you did.
    1. The big question that was addressed in lab was, "How do we make a race exciting between people who run at different speeds?" What we did for this question was a racing activity. With our table groups, we came up with different races and modified them so that it would be a close race and exciting ending!
  2. A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.
    1. This week in lecture we learned about the different ways that we used science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and cross cutting concepts in our lab section. We also learned about how to calculate how much of a time head start or a distance head start, someone might need compared to another person. We also learned that kids should explore and predict motion by doing different things like collecting data, recognizing patterns, and measuring the characteristics of motion. 
  3. Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading:
    1. What did you learn?
      1. Something that I learned this week from the textbook is how to describe position. To describe position, you need two things, distance and direction. Distance would. be determined through measurements such as inches, feet, and miles, and direction would be determined by using degrees such as 90, 180, and 360. 
    2. What was most helpful?
      1. The most helpful thing that I learned from this weeks textbook reading are all of the different components that help to describe motion. These are position, speed, and changes in motion. While I have learned about these before, this week's reading was a nice refresher. 
    3. What do you need more information on?
      1. I think the thing I need more information on is acceleration. Not that I do not understand it, but I think doing activities with that subject would be helpful!
    4. What questions/concerns/comments do you have?
      1. I do not have any questions quite yet! 


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