Science 2: Week 3


  1. The big question addressed in lab, and a description of what you did.
    1. The big question that was addressed in lab was, "What affects how long it takes a swing to go back and forth?" In lab this week we chose to test the question, "Does weight affect how long it takes a swing to go back and forth?" To do this we set up a swing like structure and used different amounts of washers added to the bottom of the swing to have different weights. We found that the weight of the rider, does not affect how long it takes a swing to go back and forth. 
  2. A description of what you learned in Thursday's lecture.
    1.  In lecture today we learned about Newton's First and Second Law. The first law is that an object will maintain its speed and direction of motion without external forces, and the second law is the effect of acceleration of an object which is determined by force and mass. We also learned about the energy in a pendulum and how the height and speed affect the different types of energy in it. 
  3. Answer questions about the weekly textbook reading:
    1. What did you learn?
      1. I learned that as a pendulum swings, it goes through different types of energy at different points of the swing. It starts at potential energy at the top, kinetic energy at the bottom, and potential energy again at the other top. 
    2. What was most helpful?
      1. The most helpful thing for me was that at the bottom of the swing is where a pendulum has the most energy. It has kinetic energy at that point which is also moving energy. 
    3. What do you need more information on?
      1.  I think I need more information on why weight does not affect a period. I am just a little confused about why this does not affect the period when other factors do.
    4. What questions/concerns/comments do you have?
      1.  A question I have is why does a smaller angle have no affect on a period, but a larger one does?


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