Week 7 Blog

 1. This week, I learned about DNA strands and their bases, dominant and recessive genes, and we checked our fast plants again. For DNA and its bases, there are 4 bases in each strand, thymine, adenine, cytosine, and guanine. Thymine matches with adenine and cytosine matches with guanine. For dominant and recessive genes, I learned that for dominant traits to "win", there has to be 50% of more in the sequence, and for recessive traits to "win", there has to be more than 50% of them in the sequence. Our fast plants are in the day 28 stage and they are making seeds now!

2. I am able to relate what I learned to what I already knew because I have learned about genes before when I was in high school. We did a similar activity in high school, but we used flower traits instead of people traits. I also had learned about DNA strands previously, however, I never learned about their bases, so that was new for me, and I loved doing the model with the candy to represent the 4 bases. 

4. I can apply what I have learned to my teaching in the future by also do models using candy to represent DNA strands and their bases. Candy always gets kids intrigued, so I think it would be great to use in my future classroom. I also loved doing the coin flip for traits activity because it actually represents the 50/50 part of how everybody gets their own genes. 



  1. I also think a good way to apply what we learned through candy is a good idea. Students are intrigued by that and the work seems easy when its something you are interested in.

  2. Hi Anna! I also want to use these activities in my classroom in the future. Teaching through the students' interests can help them to be more intrigued by the material, so I think using the candy is a great idea! Great post!

  3. Hi Anna! These activities would be great to include in our future classrooms! I also learned some of this stuff in high school but it has definitely been a refresher for me.


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